
Welcome to Philip Beddows' blog. This is designed simply as a repository of some of Philip's published writing.
Philip is a co-Founding Partner of The Silk Road Partnership and a Founding Fellow of the Harvard based Institute of Coaching Professional Association. He is a business coach and mentor working with senior individuals and emerging leaders, typically at critical transition points in their development and/or at key moments of commercial change in their organization. His clients work in financial institutions or professional services firms, as well as the broader commercial world.
The Silk Road Partnership
All businesses and all people are on a journeyThe Silk Road Partnership exists to help make these journeys commercially successful and personally fulfilling through coaching, mentoring, training and developing talent and leadership. 
Our headquarter offices are in London and Dubai and work with a wide array of partners and clients across Europe, the Gulf, India, S.E. Asia and Greater China. The partners are well established, have known each other for many years and all have a proven track record of success.
For more information about Silk Road,
or to make contact with Philip, please visit: www.silkroadpartnership.com

To return to main pages: https://philipbeddows.blogspot.com/

Copyright © Philip Beddows 2011-2014


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